es kursieren in diversen Kreisen Gerüchte das die ModelStates über kurz oder lang Ipart/ Iassembly ablösen sollen und eventuell ist Adesk daran nicht unschuldig...
Model States Versus iParts/iAssemblies
The model state functionality was introduced in Inventor 2022. It is a replacement for the pre-2022 level of detail assembly functionality, and additionally provides an alternative to the iPart and iAssembly functionality (still available in Inventor 2022). With the introduction of model states, the model state functionality and the iPart/iAssembly functionality become mutually exclusive. The model state functionality is enabled by default in all new parts and assemblies. If you are using previously created files, consider the following:
If the file does not contain pre-existing iParts or iAssemblies, the model state functionality is enabled. Any level of detail representations that existed (assemblies only) are converted to model states in Inventor 2022.
If the assembly contains pre-existing iParts or iAssemblies, the model state functionality is not enabled. Any level of detail representations that existed (assemblies only) are converted to design view representations in Inventor 2022.
The process of converting an iPart or iAssembly table that exists in a pre-2022 assembly to model states is manual. You can either delete the table and recreate the configurations using model states or you can use spreadsheets, as follows:
1. Open the file, right-click on the Table node in the Model browser, and select Edit via Spreadsheet.
2. With the spreadsheet open, copy the data or save the file to a temporary location.
3. Delete the iPart/iAssembly table. A Model States node appears in the Model browser, indicating that it is active.
4. Create a new model state in the file.
5. Right-click on the Model States node and select Edit via Spreadsheet.
6. Copy the data from the iPart/iAssembly table into the model states table to provide a starting point for your model states table.
Note that the syntax is not the same in the two tables. For example, model states tables use Compute and Suppress for feature/component inclusion and iAssembly tables use Include and Exclude. Edits will be required for the model states table to be recognized and generate the required configurations.
Consider the following:
Unlike iParts and iAssemblies, model states are all saved and managed in the one part or assembly file.
To return to iAssembly functionality, only a Master model state can exist in the file. To switch, on the Manage tab, click (Create iAssembly) and create an iAssembly member. Once complete, the Model States node is removed from the Model browser and is replaced with an iAssembly table.
MfG MacFly
- - - der Erleuchtung ist es egal wie du Sie erlangst - - -
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