[cite] As you can see, with tens of thousands of customers, it takes more than one or two folks (or even ten) asking for something before it is "popular" -- generally something around 20-30 or more starts to be a clear attention getter. Before submitting your ER. - Post your idea for discussion in the solid_edge.enhancements newsgroup. - Refine the raw idea and build enthusiasm/support for it In your ER submission. - Make sure the workflow it fits into is clear - Need the birds eye view, not just ground level - Provide a justification - Impact on production, productivity, $, etc. - Provide mockup images when possible - A picture is worth a thousand words After submitting your ER. - Post the ER number back to the solid_edge.enhancements newsgroup - Ask people to call and log an IR asking for ER XXXX to be implemented - Increases the customer count and likelihood of implementation [/cite]