To Use the Content Batch Upgrade Utility: 1. Copy Upgrade_RFA.txt and Upgrade_RFA.bat into the root directory of the library that you want to upgrade. 2. Run the Upgrade_RFA.bat to create the file list to upgrade, famlist_rfa.txt. 3. To launch the utility, from the library directory, drag Upgrade_RFA.txt onto the Revit icon on your desktop. 4. After upgrading, delete all backup files from the library. Notes: Make sure all of your .rfa files are not read-only and delete all backup files from the library. If a particular family fails to upgrade properly, the utility will stop. If this occurs, open famlist_rfa.txt in Microsoft Notepad, and remove all previously upgraded families and the failed family from the list. Save famlist_rfa.txt, and re-run the utility.