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<Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics White.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; EPE"Holz (2)\Pinie 4P<Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pinie 4, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Pine4 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.68; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 4.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 4.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; EPLC Normale Tr!3!IADT Door PropertiesK !s K!3"I'?2ffffff@FZffffff@nI@? ?  ? ? ??0>L\l|?  !,:"Hffffff@#\$p%&'LMLC Normale Montageliste!3!IADT Schedule PropertiesK !3 MLC Normaler AEC-Boden!3!ISlab PropertiesK !3 K!3"IXX?$8L?LMLC Normale(r) Ansicht/Abschnitt!3!IDrafting object PropertiesK  ! 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<FormatVersion>, 100; Plastik, Wei, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plastic, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.75; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.1; specular colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics White.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Plastik, Wellige Struktur (wei), -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\WelC6DA.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 229, 229, 229; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plastic, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.6; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.75; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.19998; specular colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain, 3; <Properties>; transparency, 8, 0, 1, 0; colour, 4, 127, 127, 127; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; rough, 4; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <PropertyAttributes>; Favorite <EndPropertyAttributes>; amplitude, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; detail, 9, 1, 16, 16; sharpness, 9, 1, 10, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\WelC6EA.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics Bumpy White.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 20, 20, 20; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics Bumpy White.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Plastik, Plexiglas 1, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 153, 165, 178; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plastic, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.75; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.179982; specular colour, 4, 224, 241, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain, 3; <Properties>; transparency, 8, 0, 1, 0; colour, 4, 96, 96, 96; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 188, 196, 204; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 86, 86, 86; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics Plexi-Glass 1.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Plastik, Einfach (wei), -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plastic, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.75; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.18; specular colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain, 3; <Properties>; transparency, 8, 0, 1, 0; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Plastics Plain White.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pinie 4, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Pine4 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.68; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 4.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 4.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pappel 4, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Poplar4 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.17; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.45; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 4.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 4.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pappel 5, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Poplar5 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 5.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 5.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pappel 3, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Poplar3 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.47; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 3.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 3.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pappel 1, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Poplar1 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.45; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.8; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 1.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 1.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pappel 2, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Poplar2 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.45; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 2.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Poplar 2.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz (2), Pinie 2, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Pine2 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 2.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood 2 Pine 2.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Getntes Glas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 120, 120, 120; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; glass, 2; <Properties>; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.9; transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.6; mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.09999; refraction, 8, 1, 4, 1.1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 51, 51, 51; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 81, 81, 81; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Rtlich getntes Glas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 05/24/2019 19:17:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\Rt69EE.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 254, 211, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; glass, 2; <Properties>; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.72; transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.05; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.09999; refraction, 8, 1, 4, 1.1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <LastEdited>; <ShaderIndexes>, 0; <InternalData>, 0; <EndLastEdited>; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 172, 0, 2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 109, 109, 109; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 93, 65, 91; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Blau berwiegend Klarglas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\Bla874A.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 49, 49, 204; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; glass, 2; <Properties>; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.9; mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.09999; refraction, 8, 1, 4, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; eroded, 3; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 10; coverage, 8, 0, 1, 1; fuzz, 8, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Bla874B.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 49, 49, 204; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 49, 49, 204; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Glas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; glass, 2; <Properties>; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.6; transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.87; mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.09999; refraction, 8, 1, 4, 1.46; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 242, 242, 242; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 237, 237, 237; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Tinted Einseitiges Glas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Tin8A7A.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 51, 51, 51; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 81, 81, 81; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Blaues einseitiges Glas mit Struktureffekten, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\BlaAC2E.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Blue Eroded Single Sided Glass.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 173, 173, 173; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 24; <Properties>; Transmission texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Blue Eroded Single Sided Glass.jpg; Transmission UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Transmission UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Transmission UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Transmission UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Transmission UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Einseitiges Glas mit welliger Struktur, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\EinAE2.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Bumpy Single Sided Glass.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 96, 70, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Bumpy Single Sided Glass.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Glas mit blauen Struktureffekten, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 12/16/2013 12:16:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\Gla18C8.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 180, 203, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.62; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.74; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; eroded, 3; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 6; coverage, 8, 0, 1, 0.5; fuzz, 8, 0, 1, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Gla18C9.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Blue Eroded Glass.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 173, 173, 173; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 24; <Properties>; Transmission texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Glass Blue Eroded Glass.jpg; Transmission UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Transmission UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Transmission UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Transmission UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.03; Transmission UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, berwiegend Klarglas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\be23E1.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 248, 251, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; glass, 2; <Properties>; specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.9; mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; roughness, 8, 0.0001, 1e+38, 0.09999; refraction, 8, 1, 4, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; eroded, 3; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 10; coverage, 8, 0, 1, 1; fuzz, 8, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 1; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 242, 242, 242; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Glas, Einseitiges Glas, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 1; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 242, 242, 242; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 163, 163, 163; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 237, 237, 237; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Eiche, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; oak, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 3; trunk direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; trunk centre, 6, 0, 0, 0; wood colour, 4, 145, 73, 30; ring colour, 4, 76, 45, 15; ring fuzz in, 2, 0, 1, 0.23; ring fuzz out, 2, 0, 1, 0.04; ring width, 8, 0, 1, 0.32; gnarl, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.3; grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.3; ring fuzz grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; grain colour, 4, 0, 0, 0; grain scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 0.2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Oak.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Oak.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Birke, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; birch, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; trunk direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; trunk centre, 6, 0, 0, 0; wood colour, 4, 178, 113, 73; ring colour, 4, 158, 94, 61; ring fuzz in, 2, 0, 1, 0.3; ring fuzz out, 2, 0, 1, 0.3; ring width, 8, 0, 1, 0.4; gnarl, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.07; grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; ring fuzz grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; grain colour, 4, 25, 15, 7; grain scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1e-06; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Birch.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Birch.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 8, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood8.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood8.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 6, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood6.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood6.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Ahorn, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; maple, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; trunk direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; trunk centre, 6, 0, 0, 0; wood colour, 4, 183, 156, 122; ring colour, 4, 153, 127, 81; ring fuzz in, 2, 0, 1, 0.3; ring fuzz out, 2, 0, 1, 0.28; ring width, 8, 0, 1, 0.4; gnarl, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.04; grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; ring fuzz grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.2; grain colour, 4, 25, 15, 7; grain scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 0.1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Maple.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Maple.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 7, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood7.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood7.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 5, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood5.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood5.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 3, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood3.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood3.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 2, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood2.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood2.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 1, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood1.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood1.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.5; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.5; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 9, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood9.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood9.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 6 (Relief), -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood6 Bump.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood6 Bump.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 10, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood10.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood10.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holz 4, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood4.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood4.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.005; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Holzschindeln, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; simple wood, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; light wood colour, 4, 255, 246, 204; dark wood colour, 4, 249, 199, 133; point on axis, 6, 0, 0, 0; axis direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; noise, 8, 0, 1, 0.2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; wrapped bump map, 4; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Stucco1 512.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Favorite <EndPropertyAttributes>; amplitude, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; softness, 2, 0, 100, 1; use alpha channel, 13, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; arbitrary plane, 5; <Properties>; scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; aspect ratio, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.12; origin, 6, 0, 0, 0; normal vector, 5, 0, 0, 1; up, 5, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood Shingles.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.00095; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.00095; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Wood Shingles.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.00095; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.00095; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Kiefer, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; pine, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 2; trunk direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; trunk centre, 6, 0, 0, 0; wood colour, 4, 234, 201, 147; ring colour, 4, 209, 140, 76; ring fuzz in, 2, 0, 1, 0.61; ring fuzz out, 2, 0, 1, 0.92; ring width, 8, 0, 1, 1; gnarl, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.0900001; grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.2; ring fuzz grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; grain colour, 4, 81, 38, 17; grain scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 0.2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Pine.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Pine.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Holz, Kirsche, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; cherry, 1; <Properties>; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; trunk direction, 5, 1, 0, 0; trunk centre, 6, 0, 0, 0; wood colour, 4, 127, 52, 46; ring colour, 4, 102, 25, 12; ring fuzz in, 2, 0, 1, 0.3; ring fuzz out, 2, 0, 1, 0.1; ring width, 8, 0, 1, 0.4; gnarl, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.05; grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; ring fuzz grain, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.2; grain colour, 4, 25, 15, 7; grain scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Cherry.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Wood Cherry.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.002; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Metall, Chrom + Redsdk, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Redway File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Materials\RedSDK\Metall Chrom + Redsdk_drw11.red; Units=model <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Metall, Aluminium + Redsdk, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Redway File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Materials\RedSDK\Metall Aluminium + Redsdk_drw1.red; Units=model <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Metall, Eisen + Redsdk, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Redway File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Materials\RedSDK\Metall Eisen + Redsdk_drw1.red; Units=model <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Metall, Rostbraun Kupfer + Redsdk, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Redway File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Materials\RedSDK\Metall Rostbraun Kupfer + Redsdk_drw1.red; Units=model <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Metall, Gebrstetem Chrom + Redsdk, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Redway File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Materials\RedSDK\Metall Gebrstetem Chrom + Redsdk_drw1.red; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Geb5FE4.jpg; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Lackierung, gis (blau-metallic), -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 05/16/2019 19:13:5; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\g1506.jpg; <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 21, 127, 151; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; multilayer paint, 2; <Properties>; lacquer specular factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; lacquer transmission factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.8; lacquer mirror factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.4; lacquer roughness, 8, 0, 1, 0.1; lacquer refraction, 8, 0, 2, 1.59544; metallic layer factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.1; metallic shader, 14, none; <Shader>; none, 2; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; metallic roughness, 8, 0, 1, 0.1; metallic flakes, 11, 1; metallic scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; metallic amplitude, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; metallic detail, 9, 0, 10, 0; metallic sharpness, 9, 0, 10, 1; base ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.33; base diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.7; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\g1517.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse color, 4, 0, 143, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 30, 30, 30; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 25; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Umweltfreundlich\Stuck, Stuck 4, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Stucco4 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.38; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.71; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 4.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 4.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Umweltfreundlich\Stuck, Stuck 1, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\Stu35DE.jpg; <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Stucco1 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 50; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.73; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.66; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Stu35DF.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 1.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.02; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.02; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 1.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.02; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.02; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Umweltfreundlich\Stuck, Stuck 3, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\StuE296.jpg; <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Stucco3 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.57; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.5; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\StuE297.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 3.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 3.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Umweltfreundlich\Stuck, Stuck 5, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; <Date Modified>, 06/24/2013 00:49:2; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\LightWorks\Stu85D8.jpg; <Shader>; wrapped image, 1; <Properties>; file name, 7, .\Textures\Eco-Friendly\Stucco5 512.jpg; softness, 2, 0, 1, 1; scale, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 5; aspect ratio, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; width, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; height, 8, 1e-06, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; matte, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.48; diffuse factor, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.77; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 3; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; uv, 5; <Properties>; u scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; v scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; <Date Modified>, 11/27/2016 00:25:1; Units=model Preview File, C:\Users\Amilia\AppData\Roaming\IMSIDesign\TurboCAD 2017\Professional x64 de\Temporary In model data\Drawing 1\Materials\RedSDK\Stu85E9.jpg; <Shader>; options, 35; <Properties>; Double sided, 13, 0; Reflective caustics, 13, 0; Refractive caustics, 13, 0; Fresnel, 13, 0; IOR, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 1.5; Transmission scattering color, 4, 255, 255, 255; Transmission scattering scale, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Reflection fog, 13, 0; Reflection fog color, 4, 0, 0, 0; Reflection fog distance, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 22; <Properties>; Diffuse texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 5.jpg; Diffuse UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Diffuse UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Diffuse UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 23; <Properties>; Reflection color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; color, 24; <Properties>; Transmission color, 4, 0, 0, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 38; <Properties>; Anisotropy in u, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; Anisotropy in v, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.01; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 39; <Properties>; Anisotropy rotation, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; Values, 40; <Properties>; Transmission glossiness angle, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; texture, 25; <Properties>; Bump texture, 7, .\Textures\RedSDK\Eco-Friendly\Stucco Stucco 5.jpg; <PropertyAttributes>; Virtual_NonRenderEngine <EndPropertyAttributes>; BumpScale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix V offset, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0; Bump UV matrix U tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix V tiling, 8, -1e+38, 1e+38, 0.2; Bump UV matrix UV rotation angle, 8, 0, 360, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 34; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 36; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; <Category>; 3DS\Zimmertr einfach links 113,5 x 213,5 x 24 <EndCategory>; <Name>; Material <EndName>; <ID>; -1; <EndID>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 05/24/2019 20:34:4; <Date Modified>, 05/24/2019 20:34:4; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 16, 14, 15; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; phong, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 2, 0, 1, 1; diffuse factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.75; specular factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.5; exponent, 2, 0, 1, 0.84; specular colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain coverage, 3; <Properties>; coverage, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; <Category>; 3DS\Zimmertr einfach links 113,5 x 213,5 x 24 <EndCategory>; <Name>; Material.1 <EndName>; <ID>; -1; <EndID>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 05/24/2019 20:34:4; <Date Modified>, 05/24/2019 20:34:4; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; phong, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 2, 0, 1, 1; diffuse factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.75; specular factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.5; exponent, 2, 0, 1, 0.01; specular colour, 4, 75, 75, 75; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain coverage, 3; <Properties>; coverage, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; <Category>; 3DS\Zimmertr einfach links 113,5 x 213,5 x 24 <EndCategory>; <Name>; Material.2 <EndName>; <ID>; -1; <EndID>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 05/24/2019 20:34:5; <Date Modified>, 05/24/2019 20:34:5; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 0, 128, 192; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; phong, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 2, 0, 1, 1; diffuse factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.75; specular factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.5; exponent, 2, 0, 1, 0.84; specular colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain coverage, 3; <Properties>; coverage, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Material>; <FormatVersion>, 100; <Category>; 3DS\Zimmertr einfach links 113,5 x 213,5 x 24 <EndCategory>; <Name>; Material.10 <EndName>; <ID>; -1; <EndID>; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, LightWorks; <ProviderVersion>, 9020300; <Date Created>, 05/24/2019 20:34:5; <Date Modified>, 05/24/2019 20:34:5; Units=model <Shader>; plain, 1; <Properties>; colour, 4, 255, 255, 255; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; phong, 2; <Properties>; ambient factor, 2, 0, 1, 1; diffuse factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.75; specular factor, 2, 0, 1, 0.5; exponent, 2, 0, 1, 0.25; specular colour, 4, 229, 229, 229; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; plain coverage, 3; <Properties>; coverage, 2, 0, 1, 0; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 4; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 5; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndMaterial>; <Luminance>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Tageslicht, Tageslicht, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/07/2016 20:56:2; <Date Modified>, 11/07/2016 20:56:2; <LastEdited>; <ShaderIndexes>, 0; <InternalData>, 0; <EndLastEdited>; Units=model <Shader>; sky, 26; <Properties>; activated, 13, 1; intensity decay, 14, no decay; <Shader>; no decay, 27; <Properties>; intensity, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; samplescount, 9, 1, 100000, 1024; source, 14, physical sky model; <Shader>; physical sky model, 37; <Properties>; units to meters, 13, 1; extra scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; view height, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; turbidity, 3, 1, 100, 47; albedo, 4, 234, 234, 234; aerosols albedo, 2, 0, 1, 0.8; asymmetry factor, 2, -1, 1, 0.75; dir, 6, 0.5, -0.5, 0.515; dir by geo-location, 13, 0; sun radius scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; sun intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; moon dir, 6, -0.577, 0.633, 0.515; moon dir by geo-location, 13, 0; moon radius scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; moon intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; star intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; width, 9, 4, 1000000000, 256; saturation, 8, 0, 1, 0.4; scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; includesun, 13, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; hemispherical, 13, 1; horizon dir, 6, 1, 0, 0; zenit dir, 6, 0, 0, 1; grayscale, 13, 0; shadows, 13, 1; shadow color, 4, 0, 0, 0; shadow map, 13, 0; turbidity, 3, 1, 100, 20; scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; emissive_background, 13, 0; gi cache baked, 13, 1; enlighten volume, 13, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndLuminance>; <Luminance>; <FormatVersion>, 100; Tageslicht, Dmmerung, -1; <Provider>; <ProviderName>, RedSDK; <ProviderVersion>, 4024100; <Date Created>, 11/07/2016 20:56:2; <Date Modified>, 11/07/2016 20:56:2; <LastEdited>; <ShaderIndexes>, 0, 0; <InternalData>, 1000; <EndLastEdited>; Units=model <Shader>; sky, 26; <Properties>; activated, 13, 1; intensity decay, 14, no decay; <Shader>; no decay, 27; <Properties>; intensity, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.3; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; samplescount, 9, 1, 100000, 1024; source, 14, physical sky model; <Shader>; physical sky model, 37; <Properties>; units to meters, 13, 1; extra scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; view height, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; turbidity, 3, 1, 100, 48; albedo, 4, 255, 255, 255; aerosols albedo, 2, 0, 1, 0.99; asymmetry factor, 2, -1, 1, -0.02; dir, 6, 0.5, -0.5, 0.1; dir by geo-location, 13, 0; sun radius scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; sun intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; moon dir, 6, -0.577, 0.633, 0.515; moon dir by geo-location, 13, 0; moon radius scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; moon intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; star intensity multiplier, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; width, 9, 4, 1000000000, 256; saturation, 8, 0, 1, 0.4; scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; includesun, 13, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; hemispherical, 13, 1; horizon dir, 6, 1, 0, 0; zenit dir, 6, 0, 0, 1; grayscale, 13, 0; shadows, 13, 1; shadow color, 4, 0, 0, 0; shadow map, 13, 0; turbidity, 3, 1, 100, 20; scale, 8, 0, 1e+38, 1; emissive_background, 13, 0; gi cache baked, 13, 1; enlighten volume, 13, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; sun, 26; <Properties>; activated, 13, 1; intensity decay, 14, no decay; <Shader>; no decay, 27; <Properties>; intensity, 8, 0, 1e+38, 0.2; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; samplescount, 9, 1, 100000, 16; turbidity, 3, 1, 100, 30; saturation, 8, 0, 1, 0.3; dir, 6, 0.5, -0.5, 0.1; dir by geo-location, 13, 0; shadows, 13, 1; shadow color, 4, 0, 0, 0; shadow map, 13, 0; caustics, 13, 0; gi cache baked, 13, 0; enlighten volume, 13, 1; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <Shader>; none, 26; <Properties>; <EndProperties>; <EndShader>; <EndProvider>; <EndLuminance>;